treat women

美 [triːt ˈwɪmən]英 [triːt ˈwɪmɪn]
  • 对待/治疗女性
treat womentreat women
  1. But if this is how you treat women .


  2. Why do banks treat women entrepreneurs worse than men ?


  3. You don 't have to treat women badly for them to like you .


  4. Objective : To early find and treat women with breast diseases by the general examination .


  5. All men are good for nothing animals who treat women like pieces of meat .


  6. Acupuncture at back acupoints as main points treat women 's menopause syndrome 200 cases


  7. Older men treat women like possessions , which is why I like younger men .


  8. God did not treat women fairly : he gave women longer life , but a shorter youth ;


  9. Men should treat women as equals rather than as graceful playthings .


  10. The finding will provide experimental evidences for Maca to prevent and treat women with menopause syndrome and osteoporosis .


  11. It has been used to enhance physical endurance , the fertility and sexual performance of men and women and to treat women with menopausal symptoms .


  12. In my report , " how banks treat women customers " , I show that across Europe businesswomen are less able to access loans from banks than businessmen .


  13. A gentleman 's manners are always impeccable . He dresses appropriately for any occasion , knows instinctively how to treat women , acts his age and is always fun to be around .


  14. It can be definitely concluded from the records of Jesus ' activities in the Bible that Jesus Christ is the first to treat women in an unprecedently unconventional way , imparting them with dignity and liberty .


  15. Starting June 1st , all indoor public places and many outdoor public places in Beijing are required to be 100-percent smoke-free , including primary and middle schools , seating areas of sports stadiums and hospitals that treat women or children .


  16. Most men no longer treat their women as property .


  17. They treat beautiful women with the utmost respect .


  18. That 's nice . - I guess some men know how to treat their women .


  19. Use of laparoscopic cytoreductive surgery to treat infertile women with localized adenomyosis


  20. Brian O'Connor of the Family Violence Prevention Fund says young men need guidelines in how to treat young women -- in person or online .


  21. Conclusion Assisted reproductive techniques would be effective methods to treat infertile women with endometriosis . Treatment effect of IVF and ICSI are similar .


  22. Methods : Strengthening uterine contraction , keeping effective circulation and removing etiological factor were used to treat 367 women with postpartum hemorrhage in our hospital .


  23. It is a terrible deed done , but the western nations treat their women far far better than the asians and the third world countries do .


  24. SOCCER superstar LIONEL MESSI wants CHERYL COLE to support ARGENTINA in the World Cup - as they " know how to treat their women " .


  25. Dr Visvanathan : There are two separate questions : one is to treat the women who need treatment during pregnancy because they are decompensating in terms of their liver disease ;


  26. Guidance for health systems : developing training materials and guidelines for health professionals to help them treat and counsel women who have undergone procedures .


  27. Retail therapy has long been a treat for millions of women who enjoy nothing better than a trawl round the shops .
